

In this blog, I would like to express my opinion of my favorite sport, soccer. Soccer is an interesant sport that the most of the people in the world likes. This sport gives you a lot os abilities, specially, physical abilities. This is one of the most played sports in the world now a days. Someone who made me a soccer fan was Lionel Messi. Messi is the best soccer player in the history, and his performances me convinced me to watch and live soccer. Sometimes, this sport makes you feel happy, sometimes angry, or sometimes sad. When you feel happy, is because your favorite team win and makes a great match. When you feel angry, is because some decision that your favorite team made did not please you. And when you feel sad, is because your team lose a very important game, and it also makes you feel frustrated. Soccer gives you magical moments. It doesn't matter if your favorite team played that game, but sometimes the environment of the fans make you feel at home. For example, a recen